vol.01 in Dejima
First held Container Shipping Summit at Dejima, Nagasaki.

Forecasting the “Future World” of the container shipping industry, Comprehensive specialists joined from all over the Japan to discuss various important industry related topics.

On 16 March 2023, the first 'Container Shipping Summit' was held in Dejima, Nagasaki, an Island with its roots steeped in Japanese maritime history. With the summit slogan, "Let’s unbox the container ", 16 leading industrial experts from various fields within ESG, Shipping, Supply chain and Marine Engineering Sector attended the summit. From ONE, many representatives responsible for various business sections, such as corporate strategy, environment, vessel operations, fleet development, human resources, attended the event. All of participants were together with matching parkers, then the summit has started!

Container Shipping Summit in Dejima, Nagasaki
Container Shipping Summit in Dejima, Nagasaki
Dejima, Nagasaki
Dejima, Nagasaki

Unique self-introduction and Special tour for Dejima

The summit commenced with a presentation of the latest research with “Case Studies” that each of the experts are working on. Some key topics presented are listed below.

  • ●Analysis of international supply chain market Artificial Intelligence.
  • ●Seaweed bed, absorbing carbon dioxide to protect marine ecosystems.
  • ●Research on supply chain optimization and resilience using the latest research.
  • ●Remote/Automation technology, state of the art marine fuels, and engines to reduce greenhouse gases.
  • ●Solutions to congestion.
  • ●Research on battery-powered vessels and optimized production and logistics systems
  • ●New national wealth indicators for a sustainable society, e.g.

The presentations given by the various industrial experts were all beneficial and received with great interest!

Presentation by academia
Presentation by academia

Before moving to the afternoon session, the curator of Dejima held a special session about Dejima, explaining the islands maritime history. After the talk, the participants were invited out to discover the Island and gain a deeper insight into its 450 year history.

Field work in Dejima
Field work in Dejima

The “Future of Container Shipping”

At the afternoon session, ONE’s representatives presented the initiatives and characteristics of containership business operations to the academic participants. Participants were then divided into two groups for collaborative discussions on two themes: 'The future of container shipping with an ESG focus' and 'Technologies that will change the future for the container shipping industry'.

Presentation by ONE staff
Presentation by ONE staff

During these sessions, powerful discussions emerged , based on the latest academic research, ONE’s challenges and big data. Discussions included decarbonization, building an efficient and stable supply chain, the protection of the environment and competitiveness of the container shipping business.

Below, we introduce some of the proposals based on each discussion:

  • ●It is necessary to raise awareness of the importance of container shipping and logistics to society and global consumers.
  • ●There are many unused logistics assets in the world, each of which has been enclosed. There is a need to share and utilize these while creating a cross-industry framework. This would at the same time contribute to ESG.
  • ●Environmental compliance issues cannot be achieved by individual organizations efforts along. It will be necessary to create a third-party evaluation society to carry out ESG assessments and to promote cooperative topics among comprehensive industries.
  • ●As technology changes the future of container shipping, the participants discussed about automation, alternative fuels and main engines and, how to share the cost of environmental protection, optimization and DX.

As a conclusion, a wide range of recommendable feedback on the various issues to be considered , in comprehensive areas were raised. The new ideas and points of view discussed here will become the foundation of the discussions toward to following the second summit in Singapore, August 2023.

Each group had a powerful discussion
Each group had a powerful discussion

Based on the discussion in the first “Container Shipping Summit”, we will continue to consider the future of Container shipping, with various stakeholders of the industries and academic sectors.

Commemorative photo after the summit
Commemorative photo after the summit

vol.01 in DEJIMA



  • Group A / The future of container shipping with an ESG
  • Group A / Technologies that will change the future for the container shipping



Session 1

Special session about Dejima

Lunch Break/Dejima Tour

Presentation from ONE

Breakout Session


Reporting from each group and general discussion
